General Company For Cotton Spinning

Our Company

date : 2012-05-09 - time : 00:37:25      views : 6

 Mill no .1


Its annual production capacity is 3 000 ton with average count 32/1 COMBED . It consists of the following production lines :

1-The opening line of TRUTZSCHLER   machines plus 20 carding machines type    DK 760.

2-Five machine of the first drawing type     D600 HARA

3-Three SUPER LAP HARA machines.

4-Eighteen combing machines type VC-    300 HARA

5-Five machines for the second drawing     type D600 ADC.

6-Ten roving machines type ZINSER 660.

7-Twenty eight spinning machines type     ZINSER 321 E .

8-Nine auto coners type SCHLAFHORST 238

9-Rewinding machine type SCHLAFHORST 238 

10-A line for the tower packing way.

 Mill no. 3



It has four production lines of annual capacity 12 000 ton with average count NE 24/1 . It consists from the following stages:

1-Four opening line of machines + 40 carding   machines type TRUTZSCHLER   DK 803.

2-Twenty three  machine of the first    drawing TRUTZSCHLER type HS1000 + Twenty  three  machines for the second   drawing   TRUTZSCHLER type HS1000

3-Twenty six roving machines type ZINSER   660.

4-Eighty spinning machines type ZINSER   321 E.

5-Twenty six autoconers type SCHLAFHORST    238 .

6-One rewinding machine type SCHLAFHORST    238.

7-A line for the tower packing way



G.C.C.S. Lattakia has two cotton and spinning laboratories contain the following equipments:

1-Two equipments type HVI 900 for analyzing    the cotton specifications.

2-Four equipments type Afis-N for analyzing     the nips.

3-Two equipments type USTER M DATA -S    for measuring the percentage of the foreign    fibers.

4-One device for measuring the honey   material.

5-Two devices for measuring the cotton    maturity ( ripeness).

6-Two devices type USTER TESTERS  for    the regularity.

7-Two devices for measuring the strength of     the yarns type TENSORAPID  .

8-Eight devices type ZWIGLE for measuring    the T.P.M.

9-Twenty Five devices for measuring the  count of the yarn and the winded strips.

10-Two devices type CLASSIMAT for   measuring the external faults.

 All the a.m machineries  and equipments in the mills and the laboratories are from German , Swiss and Japanese origin . Those in mill no. /1/ and /2/ were manufactured on 1995 and those in mill no. /3/ were manufactured on 1998 while those in the twisting and combing sections of mill no. /2/  were manufactured on 2001





We want to draw your kind attention that our yarns are ring spun , cleared and controlled electronically measured length on cone within 25 % from  Uster statistics of 1989.ü       Combed yarns ( tricot and weaving) as annual capacity 6000 ton.

ü       Carded yarns as annual capacity 17500 ton.

ü       Twisted yarns  ( tricot and weaving ) as annual capacity 3500 ton .


v     Our production has a very good quality which has satisfaction by most of the European and international markets.

v     The technical specifications are controlled and checked through the production process.

v     Our co. has gotten the quality certificate ISO 9002 since march 2002 .

v     The machinery in our co. is from German and Japanese origin.



-         The carded counts of our yarns  are :

The count























-         The combed counts of our yarns are :

The count











v     Our laboratory issues a monthly datum include the counts average produced in every month and their technical specifications which we provide it to our clients.

v     packing : effected on tower pallets .

v     shipping : effected by 40 F.C.L containers  16 ton  ±  10 %.

v     Delivery : after receiving your required quantity  



Our best and kindest regards